Signalsmith Audio
Who are we?
We're a small company based in the UK focused on audio/DSP algorithmic design, with a mix of in-house projects, collaborations and consulting.
Our main project right now is a range of VST3 plugins - if you're curious, sign up as a tester
Audio & DSP
With a strong mathematical background and years of experience, we're passionate about audio and DSP.
Our experience includes writing and maintaining a popular effects set for REAPER, and DSP projects in C++, Python, JavaScript and others.
The creative approach
Whether it's designing algorithms for a new situation, or a fresh solutions to an existing problem, technical creativity is our strength.
If you have a challenge with audio/DSP, get in touch!

Audio Effects
We're collaborating with other companies to develop new products, as well as developing our own set of VST3 audio plugins.
Join our mailing list to follow our development, product news - or just the blog updates.
Give our latest effects or ideas a spin before they're public, and help us improve them along the way.
Research and investigations
We love a good deep-dive - and a clear write-up as well. We recently started posting some things on our blog, so sign up for updates to see what comes next.
We can be found (occasionally) on Twitter/Mastodon, more often on Discord, and always by email.