Signalsmith Audio's DSP Library  1.6.1
Useful C++ classes/templates for audio effects
No Matches
envelopes.h File Reference
#include "./common.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <random>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>


class  signalsmith::envelopes::CubicLfo
 An LFO based on cubic segments. More...
class  signalsmith::envelopes::BoxSum< Sample >
 Variable-width rectangular sum. More...
class  signalsmith::envelopes::BoxFilter< Sample >
 Rectangular moving average filter (FIR). More...
class  signalsmith::envelopes::BoxStackFilter< Sample >
 FIR filter made from a stack of BoxFilters. More...
class  signalsmith::envelopes::PeakHold< Sample >
 Peak-hold filter. More...
class  signalsmith::envelopes::PeakDecayLinear< Sample >
 Peak-decay filter with a linear shape and fixed-time return to constant value. More...