Signalsmith Audio's DSP Library  1.6.1
Useful C++ classes/templates for audio effects
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signalsmith::delay::Buffer< Sample > Class Template Reference

#include <delay.h>

Detailed Description

template<typename Sample>
class signalsmith::delay::Buffer< Sample >

Single-channel delay buffer.

Access is used with buffer[], relative to the internal read/write position ("head"). This head is moved using ++buffer (or buffer += n), such that buffer[1] == (buffer + 1)[0] in a similar way iterators/pointers.

Operations like buffer - 10 or buffer++ return a View, which holds a fixed position in the buffer (based on the read/write position at the time).

The capacity includes both positive and negative indices. For example, a capacity of 100 would support using any of the ranges:

buffer[-99] to buffer[0] buffer[-50]to buffer[49] buffer[0] to buffer[99]`

Although buffers are usually used with historical samples accessed using negative indices e.g. buffer[-10], you could equally use it flipped around (moving the head backwards through the buffer using --buffer).

Nested Classes

class  View
 Holds a view for a particular position in the buffer. More...


using MutableView = View<false>
using ConstView = View<true>


 Buffer (int minCapacity=0)
 Buffer (const Buffer &other)=delete
Bufferoperator= (const Buffer &other)=delete
 Buffer (Buffer &&other)=default
Bufferoperator= (Buffer &&other)=default
void resize (int minCapacity, Sample value=Sample())
void reset (Sample value=Sample())
MutableView view (int offset=0)
ConstView view (int offset=0) const
ConstView constView (int offset=0) const
Sample & operator[] (int offset)
const Sample & operator[] (int offset) const
template<typename Data>
void write (Data &&data, int length)
 Write data into the buffer.
template<typename Data>
void read (int length, Data &&data) const
 Read data out from the buffer.
Bufferoperator++ ()
Bufferoperator+= (int i)
Bufferoperator-- ()
Bufferoperator-= (int i)
MutableView operator++ (int)
MutableView operator+ (int i)
ConstView operator+ (int i) const
MutableView operator-- (int)
MutableView operator- (int i)
ConstView operator- (int i) const

Method Details

◆ read()

template<typename Sample>
template<typename Data>
void signalsmith::delay::Buffer< Sample >::read ( int length,
Data && data ) const

Read data out from the buffer.

◆ write()

template<typename Sample>
template<typename Data>
void signalsmith::delay::Buffer< Sample >::write ( Data && data,
int length )

Write data into the buffer.