Signalsmith Audio's DSP Library  1.6.0
Useful C++ classes/templates for audio effects
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CLinearLinear map for real values
 CCubicA real-valued cubic curve. It has a "start" point where accuracy is highest
 CCubicSegmentCurveSmooth interpolation (optionally monotonic) between points, using cubic segments
 CReciprocalA warped-range map, based on 1/x
 CBufferSingle-channel delay buffer
 CViewHolds a view for a particular position in the buffer
 CMultiBufferMulti-channel delay buffer
 CStrideA reference-like multi-channel result for a particular sample index
 CViewHolds a particular position in the buffer
 CInterpolatorNearestNearest-neighbour interpolator
 CInterpolatorLinearLinear interpolator
 CInterpolatorCubicSpline cubic interpolator
 CInterpolatorLagrangeNFixed-order Lagrange interpolation
 CInterpolatorKaiserSincNFixed-size Kaiser-windowed sinc interpolation
 CReaderA delay-line reader which uses an external buffer
 CDelayA single-channel delay-line containing its own buffer
 CMultiDelayA multi-channel delay-line with its own buffer
 CChannelViewA single-channel delay-line view, similar to a const Delay
 CDelayViewA multi-channel result, lazily calculating samples
 CCubicLfoAn LFO based on cubic segments
 CBoxSumVariable-width rectangular sum
 CBoxFilterRectangular moving average filter (FIR)
 CBoxStackFilterFIR filter made from a stack of BoxFilters
 CPeakHoldPeak-hold filter
 CPeakDecayLinearPeak-decay filter with a linear shape and fixed-time return to constant value
 CFFTFloating-point FFT implementation
 CBiquadStaticA standard biquad
 CHadamardHadamard: high mixing levels, N log(N) operations
 CHadamard< Sample, -1 >Hadamard with dynamic size
 CHouseholderHouseholder: moderate mixing, 2N operations
 CHouseholder< Sample, -1 >Householder with dynamic size
 CStereoMultiMixerUpmix/downmix a stereo signal to an (even) multi-channel signal
 COversampler2xFIR2x FIR oversampling for block-based processing
 CWindowedFFTAn FFT with built-in windowing and round-trip scaling
 CSTFTSTFT synthesis, built on a MultiBuffer
 CProcessSTFTSTFT processing, with input/output
 CKaiserThe Kaiser window (almost) maximises the energy in the main-lobe compared to the side-lobes
 CApproximateConfinedGaussianThe Approximate Confined Gaussian window is (almost) optimal