Signalsmith Audio's DSP Library  1.6.1
Useful C++ classes/templates for audio effects
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signalsmith::delay::MultiBuffer< Sample > Class Template Reference

#include <delay.h>

Detailed Description

template<typename Sample>
class signalsmith::delay::MultiBuffer< Sample >

Multi-channel delay buffer.

This behaves similarly to the single-channel Buffer, with the following differences:

buffer[c] returns a view for a single channel, which behaves like the single-channel Buffer::View. The constructor and .resize() take an additional first channel argument.

Inherited by signalsmith::spectral::STFT< Sample >.

Nested Classes

class  Stride
 A reference-like multi-channel result for a particular sample index. More...
class  View
 Holds a particular position in the buffer. More...


using ConstChannel = typename Buffer<Sample>::ConstView
using MutableChannel = typename Buffer<Sample>::MutableView
using MutableView = View<false>
using ConstView = View<true>


 MultiBuffer (int channels=0, int capacity=0)
void resize (int nChannels, int capacity, Sample value=Sample())
void reset (Sample value=Sample())
Stride< false > at (int offset)
Stride< true > at (int offset) const
MutableView view (int offset=0)
ConstView view (int offset=0) const
ConstView constView (int offset=0) const
MutableChannel operator[] (int channel)
ConstChannel operator[] (int channel) const
MultiBufferoperator++ ()
MultiBufferoperator+= (int i)
MutableView operator++ (int)
MutableView operator+ (int i)
ConstView operator+ (int i) const
MultiBufferoperator-- ()
MultiBufferoperator-= (int i)
MutableView operator-- (int)
MutableView operator- (int i)
ConstView operator- (int i) const